

Jak se k nám dostaneteAutem, tramvají, po svých... Odkud: Kam: Driving Na kole MHD Pěšky AutemAutobusTramvajíPěšky Z PrahyNaplánovat cestu50min100kmZ Fügnerové ulicePODÍVAT SE NA SPOJ32min18kmPodívat se na spojePodívat se na spoj6min3kmZ Fügnerové ulicePodívat se na cestu21min1.6km


Programzačínáme v 10:00 TEREZA ŠÍPKOVÁ –Senior Brand Strategist z Parliama JAKUB ŠEPS –vedoucí Odboru cestovního ruchu Libereckého kraje10:20 – 10:50 INFLUENCER JAKO ÚČINNÝ MARKETINGOVÝ NÁSTROJ◼ Kdo to je influencer ◼ Influencer Marketing vs. tradiční média ◼ Využití Influencer Marketingu pro propagaci Libereckého krajeTOMÁŠ VITÁSEK – zástupce společnosti Monitora11:00 – 11:15 Jak monitorovat sociální sítě◼ Jak [...]


What People SaysThey love it. Read what the previous attendees had to say! Interesting conversation at #HealthRx17 today! Thanks for sharing diverse perspectives in the ever-evolving #healthcare debate. pic.twitter.com/QatDGTc17h— SpectrumScience (@SpectrumScience) July 26, 2017 Join Lieve Wiernick, member @Europarl_EN at #WarOnCancer London on November 21st. Reserve your place today > https://t.co/FLKQJasBhI pic.twitter.com/WAFQXN9BUx— The Economist Events [...]

Travel Info

Get Travel InfoFill the form below to get directions to our event location Direction From: Via ( Optional ) Driving Na kole MHD Pěšky CarBusTrainPlaneCyclingWalking Broadway & StructuresFastest route, the usual trafficview more8 hrs100 kms Scheduled Bus TransportLonger-distance services, The Light trafficview more12 hrs250 kmsUnderground (Metro)Inspectorate for Transportview more1 day1500 kmsCargo Aircraft & PassengersSmooth route, [...]

Past Event

Our Event ScheduleOur schedule can be hectic, so we are always trying to find time to see all peoples. 1st day2nd day3rd day Daryl Dixon8:00 am Room 5RegistrationDaryl Dixon - Motivation SpeakerThe net result is that venues now seem far more comfortable having what could a very conversation. 1 Hour The Gritti Palace, USAClint Eastwood9:00 [...]

Home Three Schedule

Our Evrnt ScheduleOur schedule can be hectic, so we are always trying to find time to see all peoples. 1st day2nd Day3rd day Auditorium 1Auditorium 2Auditorium 3Auditorium 18:00 amRegistration 1 Hour Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida, USA 10:00 amWelcome Speech Conference In 2017Will Turner - Global Entertainment SpeakerWhen it comes to sessions, cover a [...]

Home Two Schedule

Our Event ScheduleOur schedule can be hectic, so we are always trying to find time to see all peoples 1st Day2ndDay3rd Day Jack Sparrow8:00 am Hall 5BusinessChris Adams - Motivation'sConference is tailored towards professional caterers, although many event professionals titles attend as well. 1 Hour Orange County Center, Florida, USA DARYL DIXON11:00 am Hall 3WELCOME [...]

Schedule Two

Our Event ScheduleOur schedule can be hectic, so we are always trying to find time to see all peoples 1st day2nd day3rd day Auditorium 1Auditorium 2Auditorium 3Auditorium 18:00 amRegistration9:00 amSeating ArrangementsChris Adams - Celebrity SpeakerAs an event manager, it’s important that you understand how to recognize the different types of guest speakers – and how [...]

Schedule One

1st day2nd day3rd day Rich Grimes10:00 am Conference hall 5Business StrategyAngel Mcello - CEO,CripTechThe Innovation Summit marries CB Insights’ emerging trend research with the world's smartest minds - leading VCs. 3 Hours Grand Hall, City TowerWill Turner6:00 pm Atheser Park 3MicrosoftIgniteWill Turner - WriterEvent brings together all of the biggest players in the consumer tech [...]

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